What we do
Below you will find a detailed explanation of each of the services that we offer.
Our services consist of Therapeutic Reflexology, Nutrition and Lifestyle and a range of products for you to purchase. Feel free to make a booking with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Therapeutic Reflexology
Reflexologists are medical professionals that treat many common conditions such as: acne, poor immunity, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, neuropathy, headaches, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, stress, depression, high cholesterol, diabetes, digestive problems, pms, infertility, pregnancy, labour, hormone imbalances just to name a few. Reflexology encourages us to take responsibility for our own health and to cultivate a positive attitude. After making an appointment I will require a medical history, do a visual assessment, and recommend a treatment plan based on my assessment using the tools of the 5 elements and their meridians. I primarily use foot reflexology however a combination of facial, auricular (ear) therapy, hand and body treatment can be expected depending on the condition. Auricular therapy is highly recommended for acute pain.

Nutrition & Lifestyle
As complimentary health therapists we use our skills e.g., reflexology, massage, acupuncture or other techniques to help stimulate the patient’s body to get rid of toxic build-up that causes congestion and disease. With that in mind, it is important for us to understand our own responsibilities in maintaining good health. The human body has been provided with an incredible immune system that has its own natural healing force that is available to use every second of our life. Our modern lifestyles have, however, taken us off the right track. Fast, convenient and processed foods, alcohol abuse, smoking, caffeine and drug dependencies for headaches, insomnia, stress, depression, pain, constipation, muscle fatigue, etc are examples of an unhealthy lifestyle. As a living individual we need to “re-learn” how to take responsibility of our health by taking an active part in both our attitude and the maintenance of our body by learning more about nutrition. As the classical Greek Athenian philosopher, Socrates, once said “There is only one good; knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” The human body needs fuel to function, and we get it from the food we eat and drink and the oxygen we breathe. The food chain provides nutrients consisting of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, protein, carbohydrates, fats and more that allow us to sustain our life. While the actions of these nutrients take place on a microscopic level, the specific processes differ greatly. In our advanced world, an alarming amount of food is “dead”. Food is genetically modified and produced with the use of pesticides, fertilisers, irradiation, chemical additives and then cooked in the microwave. All of this serves to deplete the natural energy usually acquired from our food chain and deprives us of our vitality (Chi) and the healthy fuel each of our cells needs to stay alive and perform its function.
Indulge your senses with handmade products using high quality natural ingredients such as soap, essential oils, pain relief cream and foot soaks just to mention a few. They’re safer for the environment, not tested on animals, packed with beneficial nutrients and easy on the skin.